We Could Use a Hand!With so many feet in motion at the Fun Run, we need A LOT of HANDS, too! Last year it took more than 40 volunteers to help with all the various Fun Run tasks.
Please take a look to see if you can help! We will need helpers during setup starting at 1:30; when the kids head outside, we'll need extra hands to mark laps, keep kids moving, man the water station, and cheer everyone on!
Fun Run Event Day Friday, October 7 ¨ Setup (1:30 pm) ¨ During Event (marking laps, assisting kids, water or popsicle station) ¨ Cleanup |
The Fun Run Prize Assembly on October 28 is an absolute MUST-SEE -- the Fun Run contribution result is revealed, and kids get to "douse" Mr. Howden and other staff members during the Pitch Burst Drawing! We need help preparing for this exciting assembly.
Fun Run Prize Assembly Friday, October 28 ¨ Fill out raffle tickets for your child’s class ¨ Fill balloons for pitch burst (9 - 11 am) ¨ Setup in Commons (begin after lunch) ¨ Cleanup |
Finally, our $200+ prize winners will celebrate their contributions on Wednesday, November 4. We'll need some volunteers to make this celebration a moment to remember.
$200+ Donations Game Truck Prize Thursday, November 4 ¨ 9 – 10:30 am ¨ 10:30 am - 12 pm ¨ 12 – 1:30 pm |
Class Pizza Party (2 winning classes) Date TBD
¨ Contact Leslie Barber |
If you can help out in any capacity, contact our VP of Fundraising Lisa Craig. THANK YOU!